How and Where to Vote in Kingston
So you want to vote in Kingston but you don’t know where to go? Read this blog to find out more about the different locations to vote in Kingston- specifically the locations that match with your district.
The easiest way to find out your exact poll locations is:
Step 1: Go to the Elections Canada website (
Step 2: Find the box on the right hand side of the webpage that reads ‘my voter information’
Step 3: Type your Kingston postal code into the box shown. This will take you to a page that shows your riding is ‘Kingston and the Islands’
Step 4: Look over to the ‘Frequently asked questions’ and click ‘when is my polling station open on election day’
Step 5: You will be taken to a page that says, where your polling station is, and the hours it is open from
First year and Upper year students in residence
- If you live in Harkness, Graduate Residence or Victoria Hall you will be voting in Victoria Hall
- If you live in Leonard Hall, Brockington House, Gordon Hall, Morris Hall, McNeil House and Brant Hall you will be voting in Leonard Hall
- If you live in Adelaide Hall, Waldron Tower, Chown Hall or Ban Righ Hall you will bevoting in Ban Righ Hall
- If you live in Smith Hall, Leggett Hall and Watts Hall you will be voting in Smith House
- If you live in Jean Royce Hall you will be voting in Jean Royce
If you live off campus in the University District
*see above steps to find out where your district will be voting* however, the various locations are:
- Artillery Park Aquatic Centre (76 Ordane St.)
- Calvary United Church Hall (45 Charles St)
- Kingston City Hall (216 Ontario St)
- Kingston Collegiate & Vocational Institute (235 Frontenac St.)
- Kingston Memorial Centre (303 York St.)
- Kingston Seventh Day Adventists (66 Wright Crescent)
- Portsmouth Olympic Harbour (53 Yonge St)
- Princess Street United Church (484 Albert St.)
- St. Paul’s Anglican Hall (137 Queen St.)
When you head out to the polls (if you have not registered) make sure to bring a piece of photo ID and a proof of address. Your proof of address can be shown by a lease from your landlord with your name and address on it or a utilities bill with your name and address on it.