Fall Semester Final Instalment of the Sustainability Hub

On Thursday, November 30th, from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm, the AMS Commission of Environmental Sustainability is hosting the final instalment of the Fall Sustainability Hub series in Victoria Hall’s Main floor lobby.

This Instalment will focus on ways to live sustainably as a student.  To learn more about the stakeholder booths that will be at this event, continue reading below!

Repair Café Kingston

The repair café is a community-based initiative which promotes repairing broken items rather than the alternative of throwing out items such as electronics, furniture, and bikes. “Fixers” at this booth will assist and teach how to repair these items that need a little love to bring them back to their former glory.


Stop by Greenovation’s booth to exchange burnt-out or inefficient light bulbs for new energy-efficient bulbs (for free!!) and use Britta filters and batteries to be properly recycled and disposed of.

ASUS Sustainability

At the ASUS booth, you can bring in old batteries and Britta filters for proper recycling and disposal. ASUS Sustainability mandates society’s environmental action plan, focusing on waste and emission reduction, education, and external advocacy directed by the 17  sustainable development goals.


Queen’s Backing Action on the Climate Crisis (QBACC) is a club on campus focusing on environmental activism within the Queen’s, Kingston, and Global communities.

Queen’s for Sustainable Fashion

QFSFashion is a student-led club on Queen’s campus that promotes sustainable shopping habits and provides environmental awareness in the fashion industry.

Society for Conservation Biology

SCB Kingston Chapter is a student-led group committed to promoting environmental and conservation endeavours in the Kingston area. At this booth, you can participate in making your very own beeswax wrap from scratch!

The Earth Centre

Stop by The Earth Centre booth to promote their sustainable products, such as Bees wax wraps, metal straws, toothpaste tabs, reusable cutlery and many other sustainable products and initiatives!

Collective Closet

Collective Closet will have an assortment of clothing items for this season; stop by the booth for a clothing swap or to donate!

  • Collective Closet works on a 1 for 1 swap; if you donate more pieces to the closet than you find, your credits will be recorded for the next time you’d like to shop at Collective Closet.


Stop by the ResSoc booth to learn how to live sustainably within your residence and the available resources!



Effective May 1 2022 our new address is (Lasalle) 146 Stuart Street, Kingston, ON K7L 2V8

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