Alma Mater Society of Queen’s University


Ruth Osunde 

4th Year Psychology and Health Studies 

Lagos, Nigeria and Mississauga, Canada  


The AMS Vice President of University Affairs (VPUA) is responsible for all matters of a political and/or educational nature, research and policy development, internal academic issues, equity initiatives, campus affairs, orientation, and university administration affairs 

They oversee the six commissions and serve as one of two of the Queen’s representatives on the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) Steering Committee. 


  • Queen’s Black Clubs Caucus Lead.  
  • Social Issues Commissioner (Internal) 2023-2024 
  • QSuccess Mentor  
  • QBAS Conference Director  
  • QBFA Conference Director  
  • QBFA Co-President  
  • Queen’s Arta and science Student Ambassador  
  • Queen’s Equity Conference Outreach Coordinator 

Get to know your Vice-President of University Affairs…

What made you want to run for this position?

Since moving to Canada, I’ve been afforded opportunities that were not initially available to me at home, particularly the ability to actively participate in decisions that directly impact my life as a student. Through my current experiences, I’ve gained insights into how I can advocate for changes in the educational framework that governs my academic journey. Seeking this position would grant me the chance to wield influence at one of the highest echelons of student governance at Queen’s University. 

Throughout my academic journey, I’ve remained steadfast in my commitment to amplifying student voices. I aspire to join the executive team because I am confident in my ability to effectively contribute to advancing the interests and needs of students. The Vice President of University Affairs portfolio is expansive yet centered on elevating student voices. With the student body constantly evolving and expanding on campus, I am eager to facilitate their seamless integration into the Alma Mater Society while prioritizing their well-being and comfort. 

What are you excited to do this year?

I am most passionate about building relationships in the various communities at Queen’s. Whether this is building on the relationship between the City of Kingston and AMS members, or within the communities on campus.  

Each of the commissions under my portfolio do a tremendous amount for student life. This includes over 300+ clubs, or advocacy effort. As the previous Social Issues Commissioner (Internal), I am passionate about continuing the Menstrual Equity Project.  

Lastly, I am incredibly fortunate to have a seat on the Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance (OUSA) Steering Committee. OUSA represents the interests of approximately 160,000 undergraduate, full-time and part-time university students at student associations across Ontario. This is an opportunity to advocate for post-secondary students with provincial lobbying, writing policy, and organizing campaigns. Together I get to work with other schools to advocate for students provincially.  

What do you hope to get out of this role?

These experiences have shaped my role as Vice President of University Affairs, focusing on fairness, equity, and providing tools for advocacy. Every opportunity has reinstated this drive for fairness, equity and the importance of providing people with tools to advocate; when running for valedictorian in high school, I used to say, “being the voice for the voiceless voice less,” but no one is voiceless voice less, they usually need support in directing their voice to the right places. My priorities include meaningful conversations about lived experiences, equity, food and housing insecurity, and accessibility in education.   

What advice do you have for someone who wants to run in the election?

No two executive roles are the same. All the different presidents in the AMS advocate for something else. Find what resonates the most for you; whether it is governance, operations, or something in between. I learned so much about myself in the election process. Running in an election can be intimidating! But I am beyond proud of myself in doing this and the experience has been deeply rewarding. It makes all of the stress worth it. 

AMS Commissions the VPUA Oversees

Campus Affairs Commission

External Affairs Commission

Tricolour Outlet

Social Issues Commission

Marketing Office

Environmental Sustainability Commission


Commission of Clubs

Orientation Round Table

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