Report on Student Activity Fee Audits
This Statement is released for purposes of promoting greater transparency within AMS governance.
Every member of the Alma Mater Society pays a set of mandatory fees established via a campus-wide referendum; and may opt-out of the optional fee(s) available. You can learn more about the AMS Fee Slate, and the fees students pay by Student Activity Fee Page.
Receiving student fees is an immense privilege that the AMS takes seriously. To ensure a responsible use of student funds, every year, multiple groups are selected for an audit “to ensure the use of the Student Activity Fee and activities being offered by the Group matches the conditions established in the Group’s Validation Form and continues to satisfy the Student Activity Fee Eligibility Requirements.” (sec. 6(a) of the SAF Policy).
This statement outlines the fee(s) selected for an audit, as well as the associated outcomes:
- Queen’s Health and Human Rights Conference | $1.00 Optional Fee
After reviewing audit results, the Student Activity Fee Review Committee (“Committee”) has found that student fees are largely being used for the purpose they were established for. However, as a result of the pandemic, the group has accumulated a significant surplus in their reserves. As such, the Committee unanimously voted to
- Withhold fees collected for HHRC in the 2024-2025 academic year. The fees will be reallocated to the AMS Membership Bursary by the AMS President, following procedures outlined in the Student Activity Fee Policy.
- Suspend the fee (per sec. 15(a)) in the 2025-2026 academic year to allow the group to use the fees that have accumulated and comply with sec. 2.d.iii, which states that “Student Activity fees collected, must at large, be used within the year they are collected and for the purpose for which they are collected.”
- Queen’s Model Parliament | $0.50 Optional Fee
At this time, the QMP audit cannot be completed due to QMP’s inability to provide the additional documentation requested, as a result of poor book-keeping. The SAF Committee, balancing the experiential mandate of the AMS with the responsibility groups incur when they receive student fees has unanimously voted on the following:
- Release fees to QMP in 2024-2025 on the condition that they meet with the AMS Accounting Team to discuss book-keeping best practices and proper recording of expenses; and to comply with additional reporting requirements to be determined and approved by the Chair of the Committee after consultation with QMP and the AMS Accounting Department.
- Undergo and pass an audit in the 2025-2026 school year with the understanding that the fee may be terminated if QMP fails to submit the necessary documentation and show enhanced financial accountability.
- Arts and Science Undergraduate Society Membership Fee | $31.55 Mandatory for ASUS Students
The Committee unanimously found that this fee has passed the audit and demonstrated continued eligibility for, and compliance with the Student Activity Fee Policy.
- Arts and Science Undergraduate Orientation Fee | $2.55 Mandatory for ASUS Students
The Committee unanimously found that this fee has passed the audit and demonstrated continued eligibility for, and compliance with the Student Activity Fee Policy.
- ASUS Orientation Fundraising Fee | $0.75 Optional Fee on the AMS Slate
After reviewing audit results, the Commtitee has found that the ASUS Orientation Fundraising Fee was used for the purpose(s) it was established for, which is to primarily fund fundraising activities that result in substantial donations. However, the Committee unanimously voted that this fee does not meet the eligibility criteria of the Student Activity Fee Policy under 2.d.iv. which states that “Groups shall not donate or otherwise contribute ten percent (10%) or more of a Student Activity Fee to a Charitable or Non-Profit Organization.” Additionally, given the benefactor of donations provided are Arts and Science students, the Committee agreed that the fee should not have been placed on fee slate assessed to all AMS members.
The Committee recognized that the responsibility of non-compliance does not solely lie on ASUS, given the oversight that resulted in the establishment of this fee. The Committee extends an apology to the Arts and Science Undergraduate Society, and has unanimously voted on the following:
- Release the student fees collected in the 2024-2025 school year to ASUS in recognition of the financial obligations incurred by ASUS, and to account for the oversight which resulted in the approval of the fee.
- Per section 15(a), to terminate the ASUS Fundraising Fee for “non-compliance with eligibility outlined in the policy” which is understood to be non-compliance with sec 2.d.iv.
Please note, that the procedure surrounding approvals of Student Fees has substantially changed from the time the oversight led to the creation of the Fundraising Fee, and the error is unlikely to be repeated. The Secretariat remains committed to reviewing the SAF Policy to implement measures that prevent such errors in the future.
- Athletics Fee | Mandatory $350.69
The audit of the Athletics Fee is currently in-progress, and not yet complete. The Student Body will be informed of the outcome of the audit, as soon as a decision is made by the Student Activity Fee. No further comments can be made until the completion of the audit. We thank students for their patience.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Secretariat & Chair of the Student Activity Fee Review Committee at