VP Finance and Administration Donna Janiec Granted AMS Honorary Life Membership
Friday, March 29th, 2019
During AMS Assembly in Wallace Hall on March 28th AMS President, Miguel Martinez moved forward a motion to grant Donna Janiec, Vice-Principal Finance and Administration, AMS Honorary Life Membership.
Martinez states, “It is with great pleasure that I announce that AMS Assembly unanimously voted to grant Donna Janiec Honorary Life Membership with the AMS as a result of her work and dedication to student life on campus. Many of the sentiments shared during Assembly were echoed throughout the room amongst students who had the opportunity to interact with Donna.”
AMS Honarary Life Memberships are granted to individuals who have demonstrated a high level of passion for students and the overall student experience. This is the first time in at least the last five years that an honorary membership has been granted.
Being an Honorary member grants an individual with this distinction the ability to attend Assembly meetings/annual general meetings, while moving or seconding motions; as well as speaking to any motion on the floor. This also grants a member rights and privileges associated with being an AMS member.
The AMS Executive would like to thank Donna for her ongoing efforts, especially the work and advocacy she conducted at all levels during the JDUC Redevelopment Project.
Please direct all media inquiries to Rachael Heleniak, AMS Director of Communications, at or (613) 533-6000 x 75850
Alma Mater Society (AMS) – http://www.myams.org
The central undergraduate student government at Queen’s University, the AMS represents over 17,750 students and is the oldest student government in Canada. There are over 1,000 student volunteers and 800 paid staff.