The Municipal election will take place on next Monday, October 22nd. Municipal governments impact things such as student housing, noise by-laws, and job creation for students. Pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act, students are permitted to vote both in their home riding, and the riding in which they attend school. If you will be 18 years of age on or before October 22, 2018 and are a Canadian citizen, you can vote in the Municipal Election! If you’re unsure which district you live in, find out here: For those students living in Sydenham, you can vote in QC-506 behind Cogro, from 10am-8pm. If you live in Williamsville, you can vote at the Memorial Centre, at the top of Ontario Street.
How to register:
In order to avoid long lines at the polls it is important to register in advance of voting. Do so here – Choose “Add electors name to voting list”. Complete in person at the elections office at City Hall (216 Ontario St), or send completed, signed forms via email to with a scanned piece of valid ID and proof of residence such as a copy of your lease, or a Utilities bill. A full list of documents that can be used can be found here – More info on polling locations can be found here –
How to register in you’re in residence:
If you’re in residence you require a letter of confirmation to vote. To print off your letter of confirmation of residence just log into your Student Housing Gateway/Portal and click on the Confirmation of Residence icon on your landing page as proof of your residence address. Print this scan or bring it with you. Res students on main campus can vote in QC-506, whereas students on West Campus (Jean Royce Hall) must vote at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour (53 Yonge Street).
Special referendum on the Ballot:
There will be a referendum for ranked ballot voting, which gives the voter enhanced ability when choosing between candidates! Please register and vote, and don’t forget that #YourVoteMatters.