The Origin of the Queen’s Student Constables
The Queen’s Student Constables is a peer to peer security service that embodies the unique idea of students being responsible for students. The Queen’s Student Constables are made up of Queen’s students, just like you, who wish to make a difference in the Queen’s Community.
Queen’s has had student constables for as long as they’ve had a student government, with some sources dating back into the 1890s when each faculty would appoint a student or two to enforce minor day-to-day regulations of student life. In early 1900, students elected two constables from each year whose responsibility was: “the promotion of gentlemanly deportment, of diligence in study, and conformity to the laws and customs of the Arts Society and the University”. Records show that the AMS hired student constables dating back to 1895 to police Queen’s football games and keep the crowd under control.
Student constables have evolved over the past hundred years from ornamental proctors to a real student police force, in charge of maintaining order at student events and preventing damage to university property and students. By 1940, it was standard practice for the AMS to provide constables for all student dances. At this time the Queen’s Student Constables (QSC) was formally established to give students the opportunity to police themselves, without having to call upon outside agencies unless it was necessary.
There have been many changes over the years, starting in 1991 when the first female Chief Constable was hired. Since then, many of the leadership roles within the system have been held by women!
StuCons also were a part of a landmark development in 1988, playing a fundamental role in establishing the very first Canadian walk home service. The program was an initiative of the AMS in response to concerns voiced by students about the danger of walking home alone after dark, both on campus and in the student housing area. The service began during Orientation Week of 1988 and was staffed by Queen’s Student Constable volunteers always including one male and one female to ensure the student always felt comfortable. QSC has now been running for almost 80 years and continues to be an important service on campus.